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As you know, many of our favorite foods can lead to bad breath. This is at least one reason that millions of Americans use breath mints or other fresheners daily. However, while mints can be useful, they only offer a temporary solution. This isn’t a problem if your bad breath–properly known as halitosis–is caused by foods or beverages, but it will do little for more serious issues.

Sadly, bad breath may not always be caused by the foods we eat. In fact, at times bad breath can be caused by issues that should be resolved by a dentist. If you’re facing these types of problems, using a breath mint may offer temporary relief, but will not help you have a healthy mouth. Fortunately, mouthwash may be able to help you overcome these issues.

Conversely, while some mouthwashes are designed to fight off bad breath, most provide other benefits. For instance, many contain fluoride, which will help strengthen your teeth and fight off tooth decay. Others are made to fight off bacteria and to kill germs.

However, we recommend speaking with our dentist if you’re interested in learning about the best mouthwash for you. You see, some mouthwashes contain alcohol, which can cause burning. Similarly, some mouthwashes can lead to problems for those who have sensitive teeth. In other words, not every mouthwash is right for everyone.

Finally, please remember to brush and floss your teeth. Mouthwash can help clean your mouth, but won’t act as a substitute. If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to give Montgomery Dentistry a call at 513.793.2611. Dr. Michael Hull and our team are excited to hear from you!